
Start your 1 MONTH FREE today!

Unlimited users, no restrictions. All features at your disposal!

(no credit card needed, you can quit using our product anytime you want)



per user /

per month

up to 6 users

Smallest cost per total, varies from 12€ to 60€ per month

If you just started this business and you don’t yet have many models in your studio, this is the package deal that’s best suited for you.

Normal studio


per user /

per month

7 to 34 users

Varies from 40€ to 200€, depending on numbers of users you operate

For a normal to average studio, the costs per month can go up-to 200-220 € / month, depending on your models/staff fluctuations

Big studio


per user /

per month

35 to 99 users

Varies from 175€ to 500€ per month, depending on your number of users

Such a big studio (most probably divided into a few locations or floors) will have a bigger fluctuation of stable and unstable staff. Such a business can have 90 stable users in a month but only 65 in the next month… thus the fluctuation is big.

Huge studio


per user /

per month

100 or more users

The prices for a huge studio start from at least 400€ per month

A huge studio would have at least 100 stable users (at any time)… and you can imagine that the fluctuation is also very high. You can easily understand that such a studio can have 150 stable users on April but 110 on May (the same year), so on… However, the monthly costs will vary from month to month.

Estimated monthly cost calculator

Please note the following

  • The prices may be subject to VAT. Our company operates in Romania, so if yours is in the European VAT space (other than Romania), VAT is not applied. Otherwise the VAT is 19% (added to the total gross price).
  • Each new invoice will be issued for the last day of each month that have already passed (so you use it 1 month, than you pay, while you also use it for the second month, etc).
    Let’s take for example February 2021. The invoice for this month will be issued with the date of 28th February (but depending on the availability of our accountancy department, the invoice email might arrive to your inbox a few days later, but dated appropriately). While you’re already in March 2021, you will have to make the payment for the invoice of February 2021.
  • Each invoice should be paid in 15 days maximum since the day it was emitted. In case the invoice was not paid in time, Camerolla gets disconnected automatically, and for reconnecting it you’ll have to provide proof of payment for the unpaid invoice and also you will have to pay a fee in the next invoice (for reconnecting the service), as stipulated in the contract.
  • Usually the contracts get signed for 1 year and they self-extend except if you send us a notice (on any communication channels we’re offering) where you express your desire to cancel. However, if you want to quit using our services after any period of time, we respect your decision, without other costs.